Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today, I continued working on locating images of that specific basketball player from the 1970s. The 1972 contact sheets* didn't have any information about the dates or opponents of the games pictured, so we used a few different techniques to identify them. The easiest and most obvious technique was to look at the jerseys of the opposing team and compare them to the list of games in that season's media guide. However, there were images from one game in which the opposing players' jerseys said only "State." We weren't sure whether this referred to Michigan State, Ball State, or another school with a similar name.

Once we narrowed down the possibilities to two dates by looking at the media guide's list of teams played at IU during that season (since Photographic Services only photographed home games), Brad had me go to the 1972 and 1973 yearbooks and the 1972 and 1973 Alumni Magazines near those dates to look for any images used in those publications which came from one of our unidentified prints. I wasn't able to locate any useful information in these publications; however, in examining the the contact sheets for the images, I found faint writing which Brad and I hadn't seen initially indicating the opponent and game date, so we were able to identify all the images.

*Contact sheets are prints produced from negatives in which the images from multiple negatives are printed onto one sheet. With the aid of a loupe, this allows the images to be quickly reviewed without unnecessary handling of the negatives.

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